Monday, June 7, 2010

Everyone can . . .

I was on another all-nighter and passed the time by thinking about my bests. It’s a pass-the-time strategy that I got from reading Robert Parker detective novels. Spencer, Parker detective and my alter-ego, would imagine variations of all-star baseball teams like an all-star team of only baseball players he had seen with his father or of Irish decent. I come from a long line of Cub fan so I don’t know anything about baseball but I have my own version, which is to imagine my top ten lists of various things. Last night it was the best breakfasts I have ever had. So here is the most recent entry to the best breakfasts list (most of the best breakfasts were in Tuscany):

It was about four months ago and it was a great breakfast for three reasons. The first reason is that it was at the Sunny Side Up Grill and the food was great. I had scrambled eggs with shredded Swiss cheese and hot sauce with sides of wheat toast, sausage patties, and home fried potatoes. They have the best coffee in town and the refills are free. The second reason it was such a good breakfast was that I met Debbie then. She was a classmate of Kevin’s so she was four years behind me, but that age difference, which had been so important then, was not important now. Debbie is now one of my closest friends and I adore her two year old twins, Matilda and Abraham.

Lastly, it was at this breakfast that Debbie told me the quint-essential story about my brother. As the story goes their fifth grade teacher was on a tirade about the “those who can do, those who can’t teach.” The phrase was offensive to her and she told her class that the phrase should be, “those who do, do.” In typical Kevin fashion Kevin told her that, “everyone can do-do.”

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